This feeder allows birds to move freely and enjoy eating seeds. Tray Feeder – If you are looking for a feeder that can accommodate more and bigger Blue Jays, then tray or platform feeders are the best options to go for. Below are the common types of Blue Jay feeders read them and compare each option to make the best shopping decision. Set up a feeder in an open area, ideally which is near to the shrubbery. Make sure to choose two different types of feeders for the Blue Jays to install in your garden. When you will do the market survey, you are likely to find different types of feeders for Blue Jays. This will allow them to sit while they eat, making them feel comfortable and safe using your feeder.

Therefore, make sure to watch these beautiful birds from a window rather than sitting next to your feeder. These birds are cautious and will not approach your installed feeders when humans are near.
Other than this, they also eat grains, peanuts, shell, suet blends, cracked corn, mealworms, orange halves, and Bark Butter Bits. In addition, they also eat small creatures like beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars ( 1). However, most of their diets composed of seeds, nuts, and acorns. It is no secret that Blue Jays have very sturdy black bills that can even crack acorns and nuts easily.